This past weekend, Andy and I were in a wedding about four hours north of Los Angeles. Well, I was a bridesmaid and he actually performed the wedding. He got ordained on line a few months back. My husband-a minister! It's kinda funny. Anyway, we decided a while ago that we weren't going to take the girls with us. Instead we were going to have a fun weekend away, just the two of us. I asked my parents if they would fly out to take care of the girls and to say they were excited to do it, would be an understatement.
My parents live in Florida, as do my in-laws. So, we don't have anyone near by who we can rely on to come watch the girls for a weekend if need be. Sometimes it really sucks. A few years back my in-laws made a trip with us up north for a different wedding we attended. They took care of the girls in the hotel, while Andy and I went to the festivities. That time we couldn't leave the girls alone, because Georgia was only 3 weeks old and nursing. This time, however, my girls are all fairly self sufficient and easier to care for. Leaving them for a weekend wouldn't be an impossible task. Well, except for the missing them part. Andy and I hadn't been away together since before Sonya was born, so it was something we definitely needed. It was generous of my parents to fly all the way from Florida, just to watch the girls for one weekend, but I think in some ways they were more excited to come do that, than we were to go away alone.
The weekend was going to be a busy one for them. Sonya had a very early baseball game Saturday morning, and baseball pictures in the afternoon. She was also hoping Nona and Grampy would take them all to the farm one day, to pick strawberries and vegetables. That kid loves the farm. Add in shopping at the outlets for clothes, and they had themselves quite a full weekend. I was a little worried about them driving all over Los Angeles, but then again, we drove all over the world when I was a kid, WITHOUT a GPS, so I knew my father could handle it. I did make a book full of maps with a schedule and they had the Garmin as a back up. They did great. They made it to everything, probably more on time than we do, and had a blast the entire weekend. Sure they gave the girls every treat they asked for. They also took them shopping at Toys R Us, after going out to dinner with Great Grandpa and his fiancee(yes, fiancee! More on that another time). That is what Grandparents are supposed to do though. I remember when I was a kid, my Noni would give us Tasty cakes and milk when we got to her house at 10pm at night. God forbid if my mom would have told her not to. I seemed to have turned out okay, so I'm sure a little spoiling every now and then won't hurt them.
The most important thing was the girls were happy and safe. They really didn't even miss us. I was afraid that when we called to talk to them, at least one of them (Lana) would start crying. They could have cared less really. I'm sure some of that comes from the fact that they're older and know that eventually we will return, but the other part of that is they felt cared for and loved by their Grandparents. They don't get to see them all that often, two maybe three times a year. Usually when they do, I'm always around, so it's not the same. My parents said they were excellent all weekend, without one problem or issue. Of course they were! They are always better for everyone else. I suppose that is good though. Better to have them lose it with me, even if it doesn't seem fair since I am the one who takes care of them ALL THE TIME, but whatever.
As for Andy, me and our weekend getaway. We had also had a fabulous time. The wedding was fun and Andy did a great job marrying our friends. Perhaps he can make extra money doing this on the side. Anyone need an officiant for their wedding? We had a hot spring hot tub on the balcony of our room that we made use of and got to sleep late. For real sleep late, not try to lay in bed while we hear the girls playing and fighting. That was good, since I may have had a tad too much wine at the wedding. And after the wedding. We enjoyed being alone, or at least without kids, for an entire weekend for the first time in over seven years. We'll just say what happened at the Paso Robles Inn, stayed at the Paso Robles Inn.
I took my parents to the airport on Monday morning, and Georgia and Lana were with me. They said their goodbyes and were sad they were leaving, but seemed okay with it. Then after school on Monday Lana's teacher said she cried twice during school because she was sad Nona and Grampy were gone. She didn't cry when I left for the weekend, of course, but was a mess when my parents left. Nice. It's okay, I'm glad that they all had such a great time. It makes me feel less guilty about leaving them for the weekend.
Thank you to my awesome parents for coming all the way from Florida, on their dime, to take care of their Grandchildren. Thank you for all the clothes you bought for them and for making sure they were happy and safe and yes, spoiled. My kids are so lucky to have two sets of Grandparents who are so willing to help out in any way they can. Again why it sucks that you are all so far away, otherwise we would do these weekends waaayy more often!