Saturday, November 24, 2012


I know I'm a couple days late, but I am so thankful to have three beautiful, healthy, smart although sometimes sassy little girls.  This was them on Thanksgiving morning watching the Macy's Parade with me.  This is a tradition I've had since I was a little girl and I'm so happy I can pass it down to them.  They even anticipated Santa's arrival at the end of the parade and asked at every commercial break,

"When is Santa coming??"

This is a question my sisters and I undoubtedly asked my mom several times during the same parade years ago.

As much as they may drive me crazy some days, and I know I may complain about them on here,  I know how incredibly lucky I am to have these three little souls in my life.  Thanksgiving reminded me how thankful I am to be able to be their mom.   

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